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Los Angeles, CA 90032

(323) 250-2103

Hand made jewelry and mosaic artwork created by Keren by Design


I have been working with found objects, broken pieces, stones and paper for many years. I have jars of rusted objects from the desert and boxes of ocean-washed nuggets from beaches. Nature does most of the work, weathering fragments of rock, glass, shells and metal, then I take my time to piece them together – manmade and organic, smooth and jagged, muted and bold. For now, I'm focusing on creating small & medium-sized mosaic art pieces, and bold necklaces and bracelets with natural gemstones.



Making mosaic jewelry and art surrounds me with metaphors - it takes time and patience to find the right combinations of things. You need to protect yourself from flying sharp objects and glues that coat your fingertips. You can't press too hard or think too much. You have to focus and stay "in the zone" but then you need to take a break and walk in the grass or watch the sun set. Isn't that just like life?

I enjoy traveling, and finding treasures along the shore of a river, in an antique store, or even on the asphalt in a parking lot. Then there's my father's basement - I found some serious rusty unidentifiable relics in that place!

I hope you enjoy my mosaics and jewelry.

- Keren Taylor

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